Cookies and privacy

Privacy policy:

Privacy statement Thank you for your interest in our website and our company. Your privacy is very important to us. We strictly adhere to the requirements of the GDPR and process data according to its principles. You will find detailed information about “Out Of” and the handling of your data below.

1. Who we are and who is responsible for data processing a) Company Out Of srl, vat n. 03928090988 (hereinafter referred to as Out Of) is an Italian company based in via Dabbeni 110, Brescia (hereinafter referred to as Out Of) within the meaning of the GDPR. Out Of is the operator of the Out Of website and all online presences. The head office and main establishment within the meaning of the GDPR is located in Italy.

2. Scope of the privacy statement This privacy statement applies to the Out Of within Europe, to all Out Of websites and all our other online appearances, including social media sites and in particular the Facebook fan page.

3. What data does Out Of process and how is it collected? a) How does Out Of collect personal data? We either collect the data ourselves, e.g. through your entry on our website, announcements in the store etc., or we obtain it from a third party, e.g. through an order at Amazon or eBay or via Facebook-Connect. Furthermore, we may also process data that we obtain from publicly available sources. b) What data does Out Of process? In compliance with data minimisation, Out Of only processes data that is required for the performance of the contract, the fulfilment of legal obligations or within the scope of our legitimate interests, or if you have expressly agreed to this. Wherever possible, Out Of (pseudo)-anonymises your data. You can read more on the subject under point 12, Security measures. Out Of does not process any special categories of customer data as laid out in Art. 9 GDPR. The personal data processed by Out Of includes: Personal data such as name, address, birthday, place of birth and delivery address Physical data such as weight, height, shoe size, clothing size, but only to the extent that it will not be possible to identify you personally Contact details such as telephone number, email address Information from electronic data interchange, such as IP addresses, cookies, pixels, apps, etc Order data from purchase orders Advertising and sales data General communication data, such as inquiries and consultations via Customer Service Data which Out Of collects itself or through its partners, such as purchasing behaviour, payment behaviour and interests Data for the fulfilment of legal and official obligations Data for the fulfilment of contractual obligations such as warranties or guarantees Credit card data, which is masked before processing and used only within the context of abuse control Other account data, only for bank deposits and (return) transfers

4. For what purpose do we process data and what is our legal basis (justification) for doing so? Out Of wants to offer you an optimum product range and the best possible selection of products and services, specifically tailored to your preferences and interests. We must also take into account country-specific circumstances such as language, currency and, if necessary, different regulations. We process data on the basis of the above-cited legal grounds and the purposes associated with them. a) For the fulfilment of (pre)contractual obligations (Art. 6 (1) lit b GDPR) Fulfillment of your purchase Advice and information in the buying process Provision of services, such as travel and courses b) For safeguarding the legitimate interests of Out Of or a third party (Art. 6 (1) lit f) We collect, store, process and analyse the data mentioned above in order to enhance your shopping experience in our web shop and stores and to offer you the best advice and services such as travel, sports courses, contests and other events as well as the option to participate in all Out Of World offers, and also to inform you about products, trends, innovations and services. Legitimate interests of Out Of or a third party are: The execution of marketing activities, in particular personalised advertising in cooperation with third parties, e.g. advertising partners The implementation of loyalty programs for customers The provision of a customer account and customer profile on Out Of’s websites The processing and storage of communication contents from emails, phone calls or other communication means (e.g. in the event of complaints, requests for information in accordance with point 6) The dispatch of your order by order processors, in particular carriers who may also receive your email address and telephone number for delivery and tracking purposes Maintaining the functionality of our website, our online shops and other Out Of online media The analysis of purchasing behaviour by Out Of and advertising partners The implementation of monitoring measures to protect employees, customers and the property of Out Of, suppliers and other partners The enforcement of legal claims and defence against unjustified claims Measures to combat and prevent fraud, e.g. credit card fraud Consultation of credit agencies and data exchange for credit checks The implementation of measures for the further development of the product and service range Statistical evaluations coordination Business development and strategic measures within the Out Of According to Art. 21 GDPR, in individual cases it is possible to object to data processing on the basis of legitimate interests. You can find out more about this under point 6 c) Within the scope of your consent (Art. 6 (1) lit a) Apart from points a) and b), Out Of only processes your personal data after you have given us your consent, e.g. for sending newsletters or using cookies (more on this under point 10, Cookies policy) . Your consent can be revoked at any time. Please also refer to point 6 in this respect.

5. Who receives your data? a) General provisions Out Of has clear rules on who may receive personal data. Within the Out Of , your data is made available only to those departments and employees who require it to fulfil contractual, legal and supervisory tasks and obligations and to safeguard the legitimate interests listed under point 3 Furthermore, your data is also made available to processors commissioned by Out Of, i.e. companies that support us in fulfilling our corporate goals and tasks, such as IT companies, payment providers, suppliers, deliverers, printers, to the extent necessary to perform the tasks assigned to them. Out Of concludes written agreements with these processors which oblige them to comply with the same requirements that apply to Out Of. In addition, Out Of also makes personal data available to third parties with whom Out Of cooperates within the scope of the aforementioned processing purposes or who may have a legitimate interest within the scope of the cooperation, e.g. debt collection agencies, payment providers or trading platforms such as Amazon or eBay, if you purchase from Out Of via these platforms. If there is a legal or official obligation, public authorities may also receive data from us. b) Data transfer to third countries Data will only be transferred to countries outside the EU if the country has an adequate level of protection according to Art. 45 GDPR or if other safeguards according to Art. 46 GDPR appropriately protect your data. Out Of has drawn up binding corporate rules within the , which must be approved by the data protection authorities in accordance with Art. 46 (2) lit b, in addition to the standard data protection clauses pursuant to Art. 46 (2) lit c. Out Of transmits data on the basis of these safeguards.

6. For how long do we process and store data? We retain your data for the duration of the business relationship and in order to carry out advertising activities within the framework of legitimate interests, for as long as you do not exercise your right to object to this processing according to Art 21 GDPR or, where you have given us your consent, if you do not revoke it. For more information, refer to point 6. Longer retention periods may be required due to legal storage and documentation obligations. In particular, this refers to the Italian Federal Fiscal Code (BAO) and the Business Code (UGB) as well as other national and European legal requirements. Due to our warranty obligations and the guarantees of our suppliers, or on the basis of statutory regulations, retention periods of 3 years (short period of limitation) or, in individual cases, also considerably longer retention periods (long period of limitation) may be necessary.

7. Your rights as data subject The GDPR grants you comprehensive protection and information rights and particularly the right to object and withdraw in accordance with point g). You can contact our data protection officer with your request or complaint at any time. The supervisory authority responsible for the is the Italian data protection authority. They can also be contacted in the event of a complaint. Your rights, which you can normally exercise free of charge, in detail: a) Right to be informed according to Art. 15 GDPR You have the right to obtain information free of charge concerning the personal data stored about you and, if necessary, the right to correct, block or delete it, and to withdraw given consents. Please contact our data protection officer if you would like to know how your data is used. b) Right to rectification according to Art. 16 GDPR Is your data no longer correct, do you want to exercise your rights or do you have anything else on your mind? Just let our Customer Service staff know. Email: c) Right to erasure or restriction according to Articles 17 and 18 GDPR Upon request and under the conditions of Art. 17 GDPR, we will delete your data unless we are entitled to its further use. Under the conditions of Art. 18 GDPR, where we cannot delete the data, you can request a restriction of our data processing. We will also always inform data recipients of your request and ask them to comply with it. d) Right to data portability: regulated in Art 20 GDPR You can request us to make your personal data available to you. e) Right to object in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR and to withdraw consent in accordance with Art. 13 GDPR If the processing of your data is based on your consent according to Art. 6 (1) lit a, you can withdraw this consent at any time. If we process your data on the basis of our legitimate interests, you can object to such processing in accordance with Art. 21 GDPR. We will then immediately check whether your request is justified. To exercise your right to withdraw and object, simply contact our Customer Service or the Data Protection Officer. f) Automated individual decision-making, including profiling, in accordance with Art. 22 GDPR You have the right not to be subject to a decision based on automated processing and profiling if this has legal effect or significantly affects you in a similar manner.

8. Must you provide us with data? We need your data to process your order. When you make data available to us, you are obliged to provide truthful information. In the case of wrong information, i.e. if the age you indicate is incorrect, we are entitled to assert any resulting damages and to also file a complaint, if this is of criminal relevance. You are not obliged to provide data or to give your consent for processing if the data is not relevant for the fulfilment of the contract. However, due to the different age limits for approval and legal capacity, we may need to know your age in some cases.

10. Cookie policy, website analysis, social media and email advertising a) General information on the use of cookies We use cookies on several website pages to make our website attractive and to enable the use of specific functions. Cookies are small text or image files that are stored on your computer or integrated into our website. They help identify the surfing behaviour of a user and therefore enable us to adapt parts of a website or specific information to your needs. To do so, Out Of uses “first party cookies” and “third party cookies”. First party cookies are those placed by the website operator itself, i.e. Out Of. Third party cookies are the result of another, “third” party (online marketing service provider etc.) who place their cookies on our site on the basis of a contractual agreement with us. First party cookies permit you to be recognized as a user only on the site from which the cookie originates, but not across multiple domains. Therefore, your data will not be disclosed to third parties. Third party cookies are set by contractual partners who collect user information on the basis of a contractual relationship with Out Of in order to optimise and/or personalise marketing activities. Furthermore, in the use of cookies/pixels Out Of also distinguishes necessary cookies (first party cookies only) These cookies are required to maintain communication and necessary functions, and/or to provide information. They are automatically set and deleted at the end of the browser session or after the scheduled time has elapsed. essential cookies (first party and third party cookies) These cookies remain on your computer for a scheduled time and enable Out Of to recognise your computer as well as the settings and information you already entered on your next visit to the site, thus sparing you the trouble of having to enter this data again. These cookies are set when when you use an offered functionality and only contain general anonymous information about your access to the website (not about the content of the same) in order to provide Out Of with additional information about these visits for statistical purposes or to enable Out Of to analyse navigation behaviour (anonymised) on the websites and thus improve our Internet presence. Advertising cookies/pixels (third party cookies) These serve to tailor our offer and services to your needs, interests and preferences and to provide you with tailor-made promotional offers. They will only be used after you have agreed to them, unless we are entitled to use them also without your consent. b) Cookies/pixels used by Out Of In the following list we give you an extensive description of all the cookies/pixels used by Out Of, in which personal data are used. 1P_JAR: This cookie is used by Google Analytics to analyse how visitors find our website, how often they visit it, and which pages are the most popular. CONSENT: This cookie is used by Google Analytics to analyse how visitors find our website, how often they visit it, and which pages are the most popular. _ga: Used by Google to distinguish users. _gat: Used by Google to throttle request rate. _gid: Used by Google to distinguish users. PHPSESSID: Session Id, identify a user within a session (until he closes the browser). currency: It’s used to provide to the user the correct currency language: It’s used to provide to the user the correct language loggedin: It’s used to determine if the user is logged and to give him access to his informations. login_session_outof: It’s used to determine if the user is logged and to give him access to his informations. pl: Used by Facebook to understand if a campaign is effective and to know you visited this site.. pt: Permanent login token for business users. pu: Permanent login user identifier for business users. sb: Used by Facebook to understand if a campaign is effective and to know you visited this site. selectedArea: It’s used to remembere wich area the users said is coming from. spin: Used by Facebook to understand if a campaign is effective and to know you visited this site. wd: Used by Facebook to store information about user browser inner dimension. xs: Used by Facebook to understand if a campaign is effective and to know you visited this site. c) Revocation and objection options You can revoke your consent at any time and also object to the use of cookies/pixels that do not require consent, provided that these are not necessary or if deactivation is technically possible. However, we would like to point out that in the event of an objection, you may not be able to use the website’s functionality in full. You have several options to object to the use of cookies/pixels or to revoke a consent you have already given. The most common browsers offer the possibility to block the use of cookies. Click on the links below to find out how: Microsofts Windows Internet Explorer Microsofts Windows Internet Explorer Mobile Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome per Desktop Google Chrome per dispositivi mobili Apple Safari per Desktop Apple Safari per dispositivi mobili By using browser extensions such as Ghostery you can deactivate individual cookies and determine which cookies are set. Installing the extension is quick and easy and it is available for all major browsers. In the case of “third party cookies”, the service providers themselves often offer deactivation options. The most important ones are listed under point d). In addition, Out Of gives you the option of accepting or rejecting the use of a cookie via a cookie banner in each new session. d) Analisi del sito web e social media GOOGLE ANALYTICS Google Analytics is a service offered by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies,” which are text files that are stored on your computer, to help the Out Of website analyse how users use the site. The information collected by the cookie regarding the use of our websites (including your IP address) is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Out Of points out that the code “gat._anonymizeIp();;” has been added to Google Analytics on the websites of Out Of to ensure an anonymous collection of IP addresses (so-called IP masking). Your IP address is only recorded by Google in a shortened form, which guarantees anonymisation and does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about your identity. If IP anonymisation is activated on our websites, your IP address will be truncated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. Google will use the mentioned information to evaluate your use of the Out Of websites, to compile reports on the website activities for Out Of and to provide other services associated with the use of websites and the Internet to Out Of. The IP address that your browser transmits within the scope of Google Analytics is not merged with any other data held by Google. A transfer of this data by Google to third parties only takes place dur to legal regulations or within the scope of order data processing. Under no circumstances will Google match your data with other data collected by Google. With your consent you agree to the processing of the data collected about you by Google in the aforementioned manner of data processing and for the named purpose. You can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser and other options as set out under point 10 c); however, Out Of points out that in this case you may not be able to use all the functions on our websites to their full extent. You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of this website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link. For more information about Google Analytics and data protection, see DOUBLECLICK BY GOOGLE DoubleClick by Google is a service offered by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). DoubleClick by Google uses cookies to serve ads that are relevant to you. To do so, your browser is assigned a pseudonymous identification number (ID) to check which ads have been displayed in your browser and which ads have been called up. The cookies do not contain personal information. DoubleClick cookies only allow Google and its partner sites to display ads that are relevant to you based on your previous visits to our website or other websites on the Internet. The information generated by the cookies is transmitted by Google to a server in the USA for analysis and is stored there. Google only transfers this data to third parties on the basis of statutory provisions or in the context of processing order data. Under no circumstances will Google match your data with other data collected by Google. By using our website you agree to the processing of data relating to you and collected by Google, and to the processing of data as described above and for the purpose described above. You can prevent the storage of these cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser software. However, we wish to point out that, in this case, you may not be able to use all of the functions on our websites. You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookies and relating to your use of the website and from their processing this data by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following link under the item DoubleClick deactivation extension. WEBSITENANALYSE BY ECONDA, OPTIMIZELY UND INTELLIAD USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA PLUGINS We do not use social media plugins. The signs and logos of Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube visible on Out Of websites are exclusively links to the pages of these services. If you click on one of these icons, the service provider will not receive any personal data from you. You can share and view Out Of content there. By using the services of the respective provider you submit to their data protection regulations. See also our indications under point 12, Links to external websites. e) Email marketing By subscribing to the newsletter, your email address will be used for our own advertising purposes until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the end of a newsletter, without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs according to the basic rates of your access provider. As a newsletter subscriber, we will regularly send you carefully selected offers of similar products from our range by email. Out Of has commissioned the service provider Emarsys to individualise and improve our newsletter design. By linking different communication channels, records are created using cookies, which enable Out Of to inform you about current products and offers that meet your needs. By subscribing to the newsletter you also agree that we will forward your email address to Emarsys.

11. Our security measures Your personal data is encrypted during the order process using “Secure Socket Layer” (SSL) over the Internet (address transmission is excluded for newsletter subscriptions). Credit card data are not stored, but are collected and processed directly by our payment service provider “PayPal Holdings Inc inc.”. We protect our website and other systems using technical and organisational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorised persons. In all processing activities, we observe the principles of the GDPR as laid out in Art. 5. and subject all processing activities to close scrutiny within the framework of our data protection management system. Access to your customer account is only possible after entering your personal password. You should always keep your access information confidential and close the browser window when you have finished communicating with us, especially if you share your computer with others. 12. Links to other websites Out Of’s websites contain links to websites of other companies. Out Of has no influence on the design and content of these third party websites, nor do we have any control over how the providers of these websites handle your information. Therefore, our privacy statement and our responsibility and liability do not extend to linked websites. If you have any questions, please contact these companies directly.

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