The optic definition of a lens is the characteristic that determines the degree of sharpness that the eye is capable of perceiving and interpreting while looking through the lens. In the case of a healthy eye or in presence of defects corrected by corrective lenses, the lens of a ski goggle can't improve the optic definition; the point is preseving the natural sharpness of the vision that we get with bare eyes.

It's important to notice that the optic definition that we' re talking about doesn' t regard the capabilty of perceiving chromatic differencies, that could be improved using a lens with appropriate pigments.

In order to obtain the best optic definition possible Out Of is working on different levels since there are many factors that come into play , specially in real situations (not in lab tests).


The polycarbonate, used for the standard Out Of lenses, is a polymer with great mechanic and optic characteristics, perfect to protect the eyes from small shocks and keep a high optic definition; with a cleans there aren' t relevant differences in the perception of the definition.


All the lenses are “corrected”, that means that the thickness is greater in the middle compared to the sides following a specific curve obtained through studies and mathematical calculus, and reported on the lens by using instruments with numerical controls with high precision levels.


FOr the lens to work at its best, it must be positioned correctly; in the case of the ski gggles two eyes must use the same lens, so we find ourself in a situation of light optic uncertainty, it is, therefore, really important to study the shape of the frame in a way that that uncertainty will keep on staying light.


The superficial anti-fog coatings antiscratch and hydrorepellent help maintaining the natural optical definition of the lens during its life and in every phase of it. Lab tests are made in extremely controlled environments, but the ski goggles are to be used on the snow and on the ice, with fog or in the middle of the woods.

The efficacy of these treatments is mostly more determined by the initial quality of the lens. Because of this, Out of has always given great importance to them.


Last but not least, is the possibility of cleaning the lens in the best way possible during the day to have a good lens the whole day out and not for the first three runs.

Out Of has chosen to realize every one of its bags with the best microfiber tested (MKA10) that guarantees an optimus cleaning capability and that permits to clean the lens without damaging it and without using water.