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How to return a product

Returns are completely free of charge in Europe. The courier will pick up the parcel directly at the address used for the delivery.
Follow these instructions to return one or more products

Pack the product

Prepare the product for shipping by packing it. The easiest thing is to use the same box we used to ship the product to you in the first place.

Apply the label

We sent you a prepaid shipping label that you have to apply to the package. Simply remove the protective sheet to expose the adhesive side and apply it to one of the external sides of the box.

Schedule a pickup

Use the button below to schedule the pickup. Our courier will come and pick up the parcel within the requested time frame.
In the DHL page, select "no" at the first choice, and "I have a waybill number" as second. Then, insert the "waybill" number. You can find it on the label that you have applied to the box.